Las Vegas Car Accident FAQ

Car Accident Frequently Asked Questions - Las Vegas Car Accident Law Firm - THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys

Car accidents are stressful experiences, especially if you or a loved one gets hurt. Knowing what to do in the aftermath of a crash can go a long way toward protecting any future legal claim you may need to file. Get the answers to all your car accident questions by reading the following FAQs from THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys.

Have specific questions about your own case? Call or contact a Las Vegas car accident lawyer at our law firm for a free consultation.

What Should I Do After a Car Accident?

The most important steps to take after a car accident include:

  • Stop and report the accident, as required by Nevada law.
  • Seek medical treatment immediately if you have apparent injuries. If there are no signs of obvious injury, see a doctor as soon as possible to rule out any undetected trauma.
  • Exchange names, insurance information, driver’s license numbers, and contact phone numbers with all other drivers involved.
  • Take pictures at the crash scene, if possible.
  • Get the names and contact information for any witnesses.
  • Speak to an experienced Las Vegas car accident lawyer.
  • Notify your insurance company or ask your attorney to do it for you.

Should I Go to the Doctor After My Accident?

Yes. Your health is the most important priority after a crash. Even if you do not think you suffered any injuries, you should still see a doctor. Certain injuries, such as concussions and whiplash, can take days or even weeks to show symptoms. A doctor can perform a full examination to ensure you are not suffering from any hidden injuries.

From a legal standpoint, it is absolutely essential to see a doctor. If you don’t, the insurance company could argue that you weren’t hurt or that the accident did not cause your injury. You need medical records linking your injuries to the crash, and the best way to document that is by seeing a doctor promptly.

How Can I Prove I Was Not At Fault?

The other driver(s) and their insurance company(s) will likely try to argue that your own negligence contributed to the crash. You will need evidence to prove otherwise. Photos, witness statements, police reports, and your memories of the crash are good examples of evidence that can support your case for compensation.

What If I am Partially At Fault?

Even if you did partly contribute to an accident, you can still claim compensation as long as you are less than 50 percent at fault for the crash. However, that compensation is reduced by your percentage of fault, so it’s important that the insurance company does not try to push a disproportionate amount of blame onto you.

Do I Need to File a Police Report?

Nevada law requires all individuals involved in a crash to report the accident if there were any injuries or fatalities, or if there was property damage that exceeds $750.

How Long Do I Have to File a Car Accident Claim?

You have two years to file a car accident claim in Las Vegas. This time limit is called the statute of limitations. If you try to file after the deadline has passed, you will likely forfeit your right to compensation.

Don’t wait until the last minute to file. A car accident lawyer will need to conduct an investigation and collect evidence to support your claim for compensation.

When Should I Hire a Car Accident Attorney?

In minor car accidents with no injuries, a lawyer may be unnecessary to resolve your case. However, there are times when you speaking to an attorney is essential. These include when:

  • You have sustained any injury that requires medical treatment.
  • The car accident resulted in someone’s death.
  • You are unable to return to work.
  • There is a dispute over who is at fault.
  • The other driver was not properly insured at the time.
  • Another party, such as a company or government entity, played a role in the wreck.
  • Certain documents, such as insurance paperwork or the police report, appear inaccurate.
  • You don’t know whether you have a case.

There’s no harm in contacting an attorney after a car accident in Las Vegas. Most law firms, including THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys, offer free consultations to potential clients.

What Should I Say To The Insurance Adjuster After An Accident?

The best thing to do when an adjuster calls is to refer him or her to your lawyer. If you have not had a chance to speak with an attorney yet, tell them you are in the process of obtaining legal counsel and that you will have your lawyer contact them. Never agree to give a recorded statement or sign any kind of release forms. Anything you say could be twisted by the insurance company to avoid paying you full and fair compensation.

You do, however, need to report the accident to your insurance company. Check your auto policy to find out the time limit to notify them. If you report the crash before speaking to a lawyer, stick to the facts. Tell them when and where the car accident happened. Do not offer any opinion about who is at fault. You are not obligated to answer any other questions until you have had a chance to contact an attorney for advice.

What Is The Average Car Accident Settlement?

No one can determine the exact value of any car accident settlement. However, victims can use some guidelines to determine how much their claim is worth. These include:

  • The value of the economic and non-economic damages (e.g., medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, etc.)
  • The fault of each party
  • Insurance policy limits
  • Other unique factors, such as your age, your health, pre-existing conditions, etc.

How Long Will My Claim Take To Settle?

Car accident claims can take anywhere from a few months to several years to settle. The timeline depends on a number of factors, such as how long it takes for you to recover, the quality of evidence collected, and whether or not you work with a car accident lawyer. An attorney can give you a time estimate based on the facts of your case, but keep in mind that timelines can change as the case evolves.

How Can THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys Help Me?

Anyone involved in a serious auto accident should always speak to a Las Vegas car accident lawyer. At THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys, our legal team will collect the evidence necessary to prove your claim and negotiate aggressively with the insurance company to fight for maximum compensation on your behalf.

Call us today or contact us online to schedule a free consultation.

THE702FIRM is a personal injury expert law firm in Las Vegas, Nevada. They represent the victims of personal injuries resulting from motor vehicle accidents, slip & fall, and more. If you know someone who suffered a serious accident, contact the 702 lawyers today for a free consultation.

An accident can change your life in an instant. When your life turns upside down, you need a strong advocate on your side. Speak to THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys. Our personal injury law firm helps accident victims in Las Vegas pursue the compensation they deserve for their injuries.