When is a U-Turn Legal in Nevada?

U-turn Laws Las Vegas

Did you get hurt in a U-turn accident in Las Vegas? It can be difficult for residents and tourists to navigate traffic in such a sprawling city. But a U-turn is a dangerous traffic maneuver for drivers. Knowing when it is legal to make a U-turn is essential to avoid car accidents and serious injuries.

U-turns are a type of left turn, requiring drivers to make a quick turnaround in front of traffic headed in the opposite direction. Motorists need extra space to make a safe U-turn, which means their vehicles may span more than one traffic lane while turning. Making a poorly timed turn could be a deadly error.

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If you or a loved one suffered an injury in a U-turn crash. Call or contact a proven car accident lawyer at THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys for a free consultation.

Nevada Laws on U-turns

Under Nevada law, a driver can make a U-turn anywhere it is safe, with a few exceptions. U-turns are prohibited on specific roadways or in certain areas, such as divided highways, school zones, and places where the driver cannot see at least 500 feet in front of and behind their vehicle.

A driver also cannot make a U-turn in a business district unless there is an “appropriate opening” or crossing. Finally, motorists cannot make a U-turn at any intersection with a sign prohibiting them.

Penalties for Making an Illegal U-turn

The penalties for making an illegal U-turn include fines, jail time, or points added to a driver’s license, depending on where the turn was made and other factors. A driver who makes an illegal U-turn that leads to an accident where someone is injured or killed could face much stiffer criminal penalties. Victims or family members could file a personal injury claim or wrongful death lawsuit demanding compensation for their losses.

Who is Liable for a U-turn Crash?

Drivers must ensure it is safe to make a U-turn before entering traffic. If a driver causes a crash while making a U-turn, they could be liable for any injuries, even if it was legal to turn.

However, if a driver is hit by another motorist while making a safe and legal U-turn, the motorist who caused the collision could be liable if their behavior was negligent. An experienced car accident attorney can review your case and determine who is responsible.

What Factors Could Lead to a U-Turn Accident?

Many things could lead to a U-turn crash, such as:

  • Ignoring posted “no U-turn signs”
  • Failing to time a U-turn properly
  • Failing to check to see if there is enough room to turn
  • Failure to look for other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicyclists before turning
  • Making U-turns in bad weather or low-light conditions
  • Making a U-turn from a complete stop or while parked

U-turn Accident Injuries

Often, U-turn accidents can lead to severe injuries, including:

  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI)
  • Spinal cord injury
  • Whiplash and other neck injuries
  • Back injuries
  • Herniated discs
  • Broken bones
  • Torso injuries
  • Internal bleeding
  • Cuts and bruises
  • Soft-tissue injuries, such as sprains and strains
  • Psychological injuries, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

Contact THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys Today

If you have been injured in a U-turn accident in Nevada, obtaining compensation can provide reimbursement for your medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages. The car accident attorneys at THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys can explain your legal options in a free case review. Call or contact us today.

U-Turn Laws in Nevada Infographic
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An accident can change your life in an instant. When your life turns upside down, you need a strong advocate on your side. Speak to THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys. Our personal injury law firm helps accident victims in Las Vegas pursue the compensation they deserve for their injuries.