Tire Blowout Truck Accident Attorney in Las Vegas

injured laywer
injured laywer

Tire blowouts are terrifying events for any driver. They instantly increase the risk of losing control of a vehicle and striking other cars. The consequences can be even more severe when the tire blowout involves a large commercial truck. Truck accident victims frequently face significant medical expenses, a lengthy physical recovery, and severe pain and suffering in the aftermath of a wreck.

Blowout Truck Accident lawyerIf you suffered injuries in a Las Vegas truck accident, you may be entitled to compensation to help you get back on your feet. However, getting the money you need can be challenging. The legal team at THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys has extensive experience with tire blowout accident claims in Nevada. We can help you build a strong personal injury case that stands up to disputes from the truck driver, trucking company, tire manufacturers, and their stubborn insurance companies.

We go the extra mile with every case and will demand the justice you deserve. Contact us today for a free consultation with a truck accident lawyer in Nevada.

Understanding Tire Blowout Truck Accidents

Blowout Truck AccidentTruck tire blowouts occur due to sudden tire failure. When a tire bursts, a truck driver can quickly lose control of their rig and its cargo. Because commercial vehicles are larger and heavier than passenger vehicles, the impact from a truck crash can cause severe and catastrophic injuries when tire blowouts occur.

Truck drivers, truck companies, and other parties in the commercial trucking industry are held to strict safety standards. If any negligent practices caused or contributed to a tire blowout truck accident, the at-fault parties can be held accountable through a personal injury claim.

Common causes of tire blowouts in trucks include:

  • Maintenance failures – Truck tires can burst due to improper maintenance and lax inspections. Examples include under-inflating tires and failing to replace worn tires. If maintenance failures caused the trucking accident that hurt you, a truck driver, vehicle owner, or mechanic may be liable.
  • Product defects – Tires can blow due to manufacturing, design, or warranty defects. If these issues contributed to the truck crash, our Las Vegas truck accident attorneys can seek compensation by filing a product liability claim.
  • Overloading – Commercial trucks have state and federally-mandated weight limits. Violating these rules and overloading a truck can cause a tire to blow.
  • Road conditions – Tire blowout crashes can happen due to potholes, objects in the roadway, and other road conditions. When they do, the party responsible for the road’s upkeep may be financially liable.

The Impact of Tire Blowout Truck Accidents

The Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) lists tire violations among the most common maintenance-related violations in the trucking industry. Blowout accidents can cause life-threatening injuries like:

  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Neck injuries and whiplash
  • Back injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries and paralysis
  • Broken bones
  • Facial and dental injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Vital organ trauma
  • Amputation
  • Permanent disability
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Death

Our experienced lawyers and compassionate staff know how to handle cases involving serious truck accident injuries and wrongful death. We will guide you through the truck accident claims process and seek full and fair compensation for your losses.

Why You Need a Truck Accident Lawyer in Nevada

Truck accident cases are legally complex. Building a solid case requires understanding state and federal laws and FMCSA regulations. Claims involving tire blowouts can be even more challenging because you must prove your injuries and financial losses resulted from the tire failure.

Working with our truck accident lawyers in Nevada can benefit you for these reasons and more. We understand the commercial trucking industry and its standards. We also know how to establish negligence and prove another party is liable in your truck accident case.

The Legal Process for Tire Blowout Truck Accident Claims

Our law firm has decades of experience demanding compensation for truck accident victims in Las Vegas. Our experienced truck accident lawyers provide comprehensive legal representation to make the journey to compensation as stress-free as possible.

Here’s what to expect when you work with THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys:

  • Free initial consultation – Our lawyers provide legal advice for truck accidents free of charge, with no obligation.
  • Investigation – Once you hire us, we can investigate the accident and determine liability for the tire blowout collision. Our team can collect evidence to support your case, including eyewitness statements, police reports, medical records, photographs, and video. We can also contact the trucking company and other involved parties, demanding they hand over evidence they possess, such as the truck’s event data recorder (“black box”).
  • Negotiations – Your truck accident lawyer will negotiate with the insurance company and demand maximum compensation. We will also handle all case-related emails, phone calls, and meetings, protecting you from bad-faith insurance tactics or accidentally saying or doing something to jeopardize your personal injury claim.
  • Litigation – We prepare every case for the possibility that the other party will refuse to settle. This means we’re ready to file a truck accident lawsuit and represent you in civil court if necessary.

According to Nevada law, you have two years to file a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit following a truck accident. If the statute of limitations expires, you will lose your right to compensation and leverage with the insurance company for a fair settlement.

Compensation and Recovery in Tire Blowout Truck Accident Cases

Our firm’s primary goal is to recover fair financial awards for people harmed by others’ negligent or wrongful actions. Compensation for injured victims may include money for:

  • Past, current, and future medical bills
  • Rehabilitation
  • Lost wages
  • Lost earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Disfigurement
  • Lost enjoyment of life
  • Wrongful death of a loved one

Contact THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys for Help With Your Tire Blowout Truck Accident Claim

Fighting the trucking industry for compensation can feel like an uphill battle. Get a Nevada truck accident lawyer with THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys in your corner. Our Las Vegas legal team can take over the claims process and support you with personalized representation and a client-first approach. Contact us today for your free case review.