Common Causes of Car Accidents in Las Vegas, Nevada


Car accidents are always unwelcome and usually unexpected. Even worse is when those crashes result in serious injuries or death, leaving victims physically, financially, and emotionally devastated.

Unfortunately, Nevada has a poor track record for auto accidents. Fatal crashes increased 3.3 percent in a single recent year, according to the state Office of Traffic Safety. A total of 314 people died in those collisions, many of them in Las Vegas and Clark County.

Prevention is key when it comes to saving lives. Here, THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys breaks down the most common causes of car accidents in Nevada. If you’ve been hurt, learn about your rights to compensation in a free consultation with our proven motor vehicle accident lawyers in Las Vegas.

Call or contact us today.

Top Causes of Car Accidents

The vast majority of motor vehicle accidents are preventable. Most occur due to driver error, which can include a wide range of careless behaviors. Examples include:


The Office of Traffic Safety lists speeding as one of the leading causes of car crashes in Nevada. Driving too fast makes it impossible for motorists to respond adequately when emergencies arise. Speeding also increases the force of impact when collisions occur, making the likelihood of catastrophic injuries and death even greater.

Driving Under the Influence (DUI)

Impairment is another leading cause of car accidents. Transportation statistics show that intoxicated drivers cause 42.7 percent of Nevada’s fatal accidents. Over a five-year period, 682 people died in impaired driving crashes in The Silver State.

Reckless Driving

Nevada law defines reckless driving as operating a vehicle with a “willful or wanton disregard of the safety of persons or property.” Careless drivers can engage in a wide range of behaviors that fall under the umbrella of reckless driving. Tailgating, failure to yield, unsafe lane changes, unsafe turns, and racing are all examples of reckless driving that can lead to serious accidents and injuries.

Drowsy Driving

Americans lead busy lives and sometimes sacrifice sleep to maintain their schedules. This can be a recipe for disaster when it comes to driving.

The National Sleep Foundation reports that roughly half of U.S. drivers admit getting behind the wheel while fatigued. Other studies have shown that drowsy driving can be just as dangerous as drunk driving. Fatigue affects our response times, awareness, motor skills, and mental functioning — all of which are critical skills necessary for safe driving.

Inexperienced Drivers

Teenagers and younger drivers are involved in a disproportionate number of wrecks nationwide. According to the state Department of Transportation’s Zero Fatalities program, younger drivers (aged 15-20) account for 10.6 percent of Nevada’s total traffic deaths. Nearly 170 younger drivers lost their lives in Nevada car accidents over a five-year period.

In many cases, young drivers simply suffer from a lack of experience handling different challenges that may occur while driving. For example, they may overcorrect when their car drifts off the shoulder and slam into a neighboring vehicle. Young drivers also tend to lack the important judgment skills needed for safe driving. Speeding and texting while driving are common factors in accidents involving inexperienced drivers.

Poor Weather/Road Conditions

Sometimes accidents are caused by factors outside of our control. Poor weather and bad road conditions are prime examples.

Inclement weather can decrease visibility, make roads slick, and make it challenging for even the best drivers to stay on the road. Poor road conditions such as potholes, broken or cracked pavement, or dangerous road designs contribute to accidents when they cause a vehicle to break down or run off the road.

When bad road conditions cause car accidents in Las Vegas, it may be possible for victims to file a legal claim against the government for its failure to maintain safe roadways. However, the deadline to file lawsuits against government entities is short, and there are many exceptions. It’s wise to contact a Las Vegas car accident lawyer right away if you believe you have a case.

Vehicle defects

When the design of a car or any of its components is defective, massive equipment failures can cause deadly wrecks. In these cases, you may be able to file an injury claim against the automaker or company responsible for designing or manufacturing faulty parts.

Unlike a standard car accident claim involving private drivers, legal claims involving vehicle defects mean negotiating with large corporations and their high-powered lawyers and insurance companies. With these complex claims, you’ll want an experienced car accident attorney who isn’t afraid to go up against Big Business on your side.

What to Do If You Have Been Hurt in a Crash

The days, weeks, and months after a car accident can be fraught with stress and uncertainty. You’re hurting. Your doctor may not be able to promise a full recovery. The medical bills are mounting and you’re unable to work. It’s a precarious position to be in.

If someone else was responsible for the car accident that hurt you — even partially — you need to talk to a car accident lawyer. You could be entitled to compensation that covers medical costs, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering, property damage, and other losses.

Many people mistakenly believe that they cannot receive compensation if they share any fault for an accident. That’s true in a handful of states, but not Nevada.

In Nevada, you can still recover compensation after an accident as long as you are less than 50 percent at fault. However, your total award will be reduced based on your portion of fault. For this reason, it’s essential to have strong evidence demonstrating that the other party should be held liable for the wreck. A lawyer can help you collect the proof you need in the fight for maximum compensation.

Get a Car Accident Lawyer In Las Vegas On Your Side

At THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys, we understand that a car accident can put your life and livelihood on the line. Fighting for a fair settlement from a stubborn insurance company is the last thing you need.

Let us lighten the load. We’ll exercise every legal muscle to prevent insurers from under-compensating you. Our goal is to secure the best results for you with as little stress on your life as possible. And we’re good at what we do.

Reach out to a Las Vegas car accident lawyer today for a free consultation. We offer same-day appointments and return all calls within 24 hours.