How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim

How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim.
How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim.

Social media is an integral part of the modern world. It allows us to connect with friends, family, and colleagues worldwide, strengthening our relationships and facilitating global cooperation. But when you’re filing a personal injury claim, using social media is like playing with fire. 

Social media might seem like a good way to inform people of your accident and injury, but posting information online can jeopardize your claim. In fact, social media could serve as harmful evidence in your case and hurt your chances of recovering compensation for your losses. By understanding what you can do to protect yourself online, you can avoid unwanted difficulties that could ultimately cost you money.

The experienced team at THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys can help you navigate all aspects of the legal process and explain how social media can hurt your personal injury claim. Contact us today for a free consultation with a Las Vegas personal injury attorney. 

How Social Media Can Affect Your Chances for Compensation in a Personal Injury Claim

When you file a personal injury claim in Nevada, the goal is to seek maximum compensation for your losses. Your financial recovery could include compensation for:

  • Medical expenses
  • Lost wages
  • Property damage
  • Reduced earning capacity
  • Pain and suffering
  • Other related costs 

If you’re not careful on social media, you could put your entire case at risk. Here are a few ways social media can negatively affect your case:

Your Posts Can Be Used as Evidence Against You

One of the most significant ways social media can hurt your personal injury claim is by providing potential evidence against you. Insurance companies and defense attorneys can search your social media posts for proof that your injuries or symptoms are less severe than you claim. 

For instance, if you post a photo or status update about engaging in physical activity or at a party with friends, the insurance adjuster might argue you are exaggerating your physical or emotional injuries. 

Friends Could Tag You in Photos or Posts That Hurt Your Case

Another way social media can impact your personal injury claim is through posts or tags from friends. Even if you are careful about your posts, your friends might tag you in updates, photos, or videos that contradict your claims. 

Let’s say you claim you cannot walk due to an injury, but a friend later tags you in a photo on a hike. Even if the image isn’t recent, the other side could still use their post to weaken your claim.

Check-ins Could Be Used to Discredit You

Finally, the other side can use social media check-ins to discredit your claims. If you claim that you cannot leave your home due to your injury but then check in at a restaurant or another location, the at-fault party could argue that your story does not add up.

 How Social Media Can Impact Your Personal Injury Claim Guidelines for Online Safety After an Accident

Life after an accident can often feel isolating and lonely, especially if you are stuck in a hospital bed or recuperating at home. While social media can be a valuable tool for staying connected with loved ones after an injury, watching what you post is essential. Here are some tips for online safety after an accident:

Don’t Post about the Accident or Your Injuries

The first and most important online safety rule during a personal injury case is to avoid posting anything about your injuries or the accident. If you feel tempted to share your experience with others, do so privately and do not discuss details. Save deeper discussions for your attorney and doctors.  

Limit Your Social Media Activity

Another way to protect your claim is to limit or halt your social media activity. Consider taking a break from social media until your personal injury claim is over. If you must be active on social media, limit your activity to liking others’ posts and sharing non-injury-related content.

Adjust Your Privacy Settings

Ensure your privacy settings limit who can see your posts. Remember that even if your privacy settings are on “friends only,” others could still see your posts if a friend comments on them or takes a screenshot of your activity.

Don’t Accept Friend Requests from Strangers

Never accept friend requests from someone you don’t know. Stick to communicating with your attorney and other trusted individuals via phone or in-person meetings to prevent potential issues with your case.

Ask Your Personal Injury Attorney for Advice on Social Media

When in doubt, discuss your social media use with an attorney. They can provide specific guidance on protecting yourself online while your case is pending. You should also disclose any statements or pictures you posted about the accident online before hiring your lawyer to mitigate any potential damage the posts may cause.  

How a Las Vegas Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help You with Your Case 

You can increase your chances of receiving the compensation you deserve by working closely with an experienced Las Vegas personal injury attorney. A skilled lawyer can help you by:

  • Investigating your case and gathering evidence – Building a solid personal injury claim requires proof of negligence. An attorney can review police reports, interview witnesses, gather medical records, and obtain other relevant documentation to strengthen your case for maximum compensation.
  • Negotiating with the insurance company(s) – Communicating with insurance companies can be overwhelming and frustrating, especially when you’re dealing with painful injuries. A personal injury lawyer can handle all communications with insurers for you, including settlement negotiations.
  • Representing you in court – If your case goes to trial, a personal injury lawyer can stand up for you and fight for justice. They will prepare your case, present evidence, and cross-examine witnesses in court to build a solid claim against the at-fault party.

Contact THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys

If you suffered injuries caused by someone else’s negligence in Las Vegas, get THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys on your side. Whether you got hurt in a car crash, a slip-and-fall, or another harmful incident, our job is to hold the at-fault party accountable and get you back on your feet again. Contact us today for a free consultation with a personal injury lawyer in Las Vegas