Partial Fault Truck Accident Lawyer

Partial Fault Truck Accident Lawyer in Nevada
Partial Fault Truck Accident Lawyer in Nevada

Did you get hurt in a Las Vegas truck accident? Determining fault is essential to pursue compensation in Nevada, but injury claims involving tractor-trailers and other commercial vehicles are more complex than the average car accident case. The trucking industry is huge, comprised of many individuals, companies, and regulators. This means numerous parties could share fault for a collision, including you. 

If you believe you share the blame for a truck accident, getting an experienced partial fault truck accident lawyer on your side is essential. In Nevada, compensation is still possible even when victims contribute to crashes. But you must have a solid case and strong evidence that another party shares more fault than you do.

At THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys, our legal team can evaluate your case, investigate the truck accident, and gather evidence to prove liability. Fair compensation can make all the difference in covering medical bills, recovering lost wages, and building a stable future. Contact our office today for a free consultation with a Las Vegas partial fault truck accident attorney. 

What if I am Partially at Fault for a Truck Accident in Las Vegas?

Nevada follows a modified comparative negligence rule in determining liability and compensation for accidents involving three or more parties. The law mandates that every party pay their share of the fault. A judge or jury assigns everyone a percentage of fault and reduces their compensation accordingly. For example, if you seek $100,000 in compensation and are assigned 10 percent of the fault, the most you can receive is $90,000. 

The comparative fault law is meant to even the playing field and ensure everyone is appropriately compensated. But in practice, it gives insurance companies room to fight against claimants and push for fault to be assigned to anyone other than themselves. If they succeed, you could be denied the compensation you rightly deserve. A skilled truck accident attorney can build an argument supporting your case for maximum compensation.  

How is Fault Determined in a Truck Accident Case?

Determining fault in a truck accident case involves thoroughly investigating the events leading up to the crash. Attorneys use various types of evidence to determine who is liable, including: 

  • Medical records
  • Police accident reports
  • Witness statements
  • Video and photographic evidence from the crash scene
  • Surveillance or dashcam footage
  • Testimony from accident reconstruction experts 
  • Vehicle inspection reports
  • Maintenance logs
  • Data from the truck’s event data recorder (black box)

Is Nevada a No-Fault State?

Nevada is a fault state. The party(s) responsible for a traffic accident can be held financially liable for resulting injuries and other damages. Most truck accident injury claims are filed with the truck company’s insurer. However, because multiple parties may be liable for a truck accident, you may also need to file claims against other insurers. An experienced truck accident attorney can identify who is liable for a truck accident and determine which insurance coverages might apply. Your lawyer can also handle negotiations with the insurers to navigate any disputes that arise.  

Compensation for a Partial Fault Truck Accident

Types of compensation available in a truck accident claim include:

  • Medical expenses, including hospital stays, doctor’s visits, surgeries, medications, physical therapy, mobility equipment 
  • Lost income
  • Loss of future earning capacity if your injuries result in a permanent impairment 
  • Costs to repair or replace personal property 
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional distress
  • Lost enjoyment of life

Truck accident victims typically sustain more severe injuries than victims of crashes involving smaller vehicles. Higher medical bills and other losses drive up the dollar value of a personal injury claim, increasing the chances the insurance company will dispute your demands. Our attorneys will place a fair value on your case and work aggressively for an optimal result, including taking your case to trial if that’s what it takes to make the insurers pay.     

What Should You Do After a Truck Accident Where You Could Be Partly at Fault?

If you think you share some responsibility for a truck accident, don’t say so at the scene. Many factors contribute to a crash, and you don’t want to jeopardize your chances for compensation by speculating about what happened. Here’s what to do to protect your claim:  

  • Follow your doctor’s orders – Seek medical treatment immediately after a truck accident, and follow your doctor’s treatment plan. Keep all follow-up appointments so that your injuries heal and your effort to recover gets documented.
  • Gather evidence – Take photographs of the accident scene if you can. Include the vehicles involved, the road conditions, and any visible injuries. Collect the contact information and insurance details for all parties involved. Identify witnesses. You should also get a copy of the police accident report.
  • Notify your insurance company – Promptly inform your insurance company about the accident, but limit your statement to the crash’s time, date, and location. If they ask for a recorded statement or medical release form, tell them you must speak with a truck accident lawyer first. 
  • Consult a partial fault truck accident lawyer – A qualified attorney can review your case and explain your legal options.

How a Truck Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas Can Help 

Navigating the legal complexities of a truck accident case can be challenging. A partial fault truck accident lawyer in Las Vegas can be invaluable in protecting your rights and maximizing your chances of fair compensation. 

A skilled lawyer will: 

  • Offer sound legal advice – An attorney will assess the details of your case and evaluate the potential outcomes of filing a legal claim.
  • Investigate the accident – An experienced lawyer has the resources and knowledge to conduct a thorough investigation, collect and preserve evidence, interview witnesses, and reconstruct the accident to establish a strong case.
  • Negotiate with insurers – A tough attorney can handle negotiations with stubborn insurers and seek a fair settlement that considers your degree of fault and the extent of your damages.
  • Represent you at trial – Many partial fault truck accident cases settle out of court, but sometimes it takes filing a lawsuit to reach a fair resolution. A hard-hitting trial lawyer can argue your case effectively before a judge or jury. 

Talk to a Partial Fault Truck Accident Lawyer in Nevada

Don’t give up your right to compensation because you think you are partly responsible for a truck wreck. You deserve a strong legal advocate who can prove you still deserve money for your losses. Contact THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys today for a free consultation with a partial fault truck accident attorney in Nevada.