Motorcycle Accident Statute of Limitations in Las Vegas


If you suffered injuries in a motorcycle accident in Las Vegas, Nevada law allows you to seek compensation if someone else’s negligence is to blame. But it’s important to understand how the state’s statute of limitations could impact your motorcycle accident claim. You must take legal action within a certain amount of time or risk losing your right to compensation forever.

At THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys, our trusted lawyers work hard to provide personalized and effective legal representation to accident victims throughout Las Vegas. Contact us today for a free consultation with an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer.

What is a Statute of Limitations?

Like all states, Nevada imposes time limits on your right to take certain types of legal action. This deadline is called the statute of limitations. For motorcycle accident cases, the law gives you two years to file your claim.

The statute of limitations deadlines are designed to keep our court systems operating fairly and smoothly. Time limits prevent defendants from being convicted based on physical or eyewitness evidence that may have deteriorated over time. It also prevents judges from getting bogged down by overwhelming caseloads.

The two-year window for a Nevada motorcycle accident case typically begins on the date when the accident begins, though exceptions may apply in certain circumstances. Nevertheless, it’s best to file your lawsuit as soon as possible so that your attorney has time to build the strongest case possible.

What Factors Could Affect When the Statute of Limitations Begins?

Although the personal injury statute of limitations usually begins running out the moment a motorcycle accident occurs, certain factors can delay, or “toll,” the start of the two-year window:

  • The discovery rule: If a motorcycle crash victim is not aware of any injuries despite seeking timely medical attention after an accident, the discovery rule says the statute of limitations may be tolled until the victim discovers (or could reasonably be expected to learn) of their injuries.
  • The victim’s age: If a motorcycle accident victim is a minor when the crash occurs, the statute of limitations may be tolled until their 18th birthday. Therefore, they have until their 20th birthday to file a motorcycle accident claim.
  • The victim’s mental state: If a motorcycle accident victim is not mentally capable of comprehending their circumstances, the statute of limitations may be extended until they regain sufficient mental competency.

Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents in Las Vegas

Most motorcycle crashes are complex events with multiple contributing factors. The most common causes of motorcycle accidents in Las Vegas include:

  • Distracted driving: Inattentive drivers are more likely to overlook motorcyclists in their surroundings and drift or merge into them.
  • Driving under the influence: Alcohol and drugs can impair visual acuity, depth perception, and reaction time, all of which can increase the likelihood of motorcycle accidents.
  • Reckless driving: Speeding, tailgating, and lane weaving reduce the number of times drivers and motorcyclists have to react to avoid a collision.
  • Left-hand turns: Because left-hand turns require motorists to cross multiple lanes of traffic, negligent drivers are more likely to overlook motorcycles in favor of larger oncoming vehicles.
  • Dooring accidents: Also called “opened car door accidents,” these collisions typically occur when a negligent motorist gets out of their car after parking.

Compensation from a Motorcycle Accident Claim

The aftermath of a motorcycle accident can be financially devastating. Unexpected medical bills, time away from work, and general costs of living can pile up until they become overwhelming. The money you could obtain from a motorcycle accident claim can help.

By acting before the statute of limitations expires, you could be entitled to compensation for:

  • Medical bills: Any medical expenses from your accident-related injuries, including the costs of ambulance rides, surgeries, hospital stays, doctor’s visits, tests, and rehabilitation
  • Incidental expenses: Out-of-pocket costs you incur for accident-related expenses, such as transportation costs to and from medical appointments
  • Repair costs: The costs of repairing or replacing your motorcycle and any other personal property that was damaged in the crash
  • Lost wages: The value of lost income at work and the projected cost of losses in your future earning potential
  • Pain and suffering: The intangible cost of the physical pain, psychological suffering, and losses in quality of life you endure due to the accident

Motorcycle Accident Statistics

The most current motorcycle accident statistics for Nevada shed light on the severity and frequency of motorcycle accidents in the Silver State:

  • Around one in five traffic fatalities in Nevada are motorcyclists.
  • Statewide, nearly 300 people died in motorcycle accidents in a recent five-year period. Clark County, home to the Las Vegas metro area, reported the highest number of fatal motorcycle accidents in the state.
  • Of the motorcycle accident deaths that occurred over five years in Nevada, 42 involved riders without helmets. Most of these unhelmeted riders were males between the ages of 46 and 50.
  • Male motorcycle drivers and passengers between 21 and 25 represent the most significant proportion of motorcycle accident fatalities.

Contact a Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Las Vegas

Don’t wait too long to contact a Las Vegas motorcycle accident attorney after a crash. While a two-year statute of limitations sounds like a long time, it will pass quickly, especially while you are focused on recovering from your injuries and getting your life back on track.

Put THE702FIRM Injury Attorneys to work for you. Our legal team can manage every aspect of your claim for you. You won’t have to worry about missing deadlines or dealing with the insurance company. Your motorcycle accident can do the heavy lifting and fight for the results you deserve.

Let’s get started today. Call or contact us for your free case review.

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